Current Volunteer Schedules

Every Sunday morning we worship God together.  It's a time of comfort and celebration and it can't happen without our dedicated and helpful volunteers.  We thank you for your dedication and sense of service to Elkton United Methodist Church.  We appreciate all you do.      

Below you will might the most recent volunteer schedules.  Simply click on your area to open a .pdf copy of your current schedule.  The links will open in a new window showing the most recent schedule we have for your area.

-updated when available-

  • Acolytes
  • Ushers
  • Hall Duty
  • 8:30 a.m Greeters
  • 11:00 a.m. Greeters
  • Parking Lot Greeter
  • Hospitality Team

Most of our volunteer schedules are posted to the EUMC Facebook Workplace Colaboration account here:

Here are schedules that are posted online:  Tech Team, Music and Soloist, Worship Leaders and Gospel Readers, Welcome Center host.

If you are a committee member or voluntee and do not have access simply write to and request access. 

If there any problems with this list, or a correction needs to be made simply contact