Financial Giving

Offering Envelopes

If you use offering envelopes to make your offering, you can pick up the 2021 envelopes starting on November 29th. Please remember to pick them up in person, because that saves the church the expense of mailing them. You can pick them up on Sunday either before or after the worship service, during office hours (Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm), or they will be available for pickup with the Communion elements on Thursday, December 3rd through Saturday, December 5th.

Online Giving

Did you know that you can give your offering online? This method of giving has all sorts of benefits for you and the church. It’s probably safe to say that you already do a lot of your bill paying that way, and that you probably rarely write a check anymore. So giving online to the church would come naturally for you. The benefits for the church are incredible! Online givers provide a steady stream of income throughout the year because when givers are on vacation or absent for other reasons, or on the rare occasion when services are cancelled because of severe weather, the money still comes in. And that is a great benefit to the ongoing ministry of the church. So think about changing to online giving, and if you decide to do so, all you have to do is go to the church website – – click on “On Line Donations” and you’ll be walked through the process. Questions? Call the church office.