Serving on Sundays

Every Sunday morning we worship God together.  It's a time of comfort and celebration and it can't happen without our dedicated and helpful volunteers.       

There are many different needs on a Sunday morning that range from working behind the scenes to working directly with the congregation.  Some volunteers help every week, others monthly, and others still substitute on an as needed basis.  Some volunteers are children, others are a few years older than that.  However you wish to serve, we will do our best to accommodate your needs as we all serve to make Sunday morning a time of hospitality , spirituality, and love.

Here are a few ways you can serve:

  • Acolytes
  • Gospel Readers
  • Ushers
  • Greeters
  • Parking Lot Greeter
  • Hospitality Team
  • Music
  • Audio/Visual Technician (EUMC Tech Team)

Please take a few minutes to fill out our "Serving on Sunday" form and we'll send your information to the appropriate volunteer coordinator.  If you have any questions or need more information please contact the church office or call 410.398.0993